Thursday, September 16, 2010


So, it turns out that there are all these secret plants popping up in and around my gardens . .we have tiny little purple and yellow pansies, cool purple yard lilies with BIG green, lush leaves with the coolest white polka-dots, other bulb plants .. not sure what they're going to develop into, and 2 tomato plants (one even has fruit now!) .. SO cool!  But what excites me the most are the 10 or so roses that have survived some pretty crappy environmental abuse and have poked their little heads up through the dust.

They were ALL over the place, so last weekend I dug up all the little fella's in the back yard and put them in proper rose formation, took great care to lay their roots so they had lots of room to stretch out, built little moats around them, watered heavily and then built little shantys to keep that hot O'ville afternoon sun from burning them up.

Almost a week later, it looks as if it was a successful mission.  One of the little guys looks wilty, but still green! Woohoo!  So, if I can just keep Puppy from digging up everything, it will - one day!, be a beautiful yard with flowers, grass, beautiful little trees to keep Big Pine company and when the Seabee comes home we'll get started on the slope .. can't wait for that!!

Anyhow, here's a photo of one of the suprise roses that came up in the front flower bed.  Strong little sucker!  Too bad the bloom doesn't have a strong scent ..

As a side note .. the alyssium is taking over the world!!!!

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